C h i l d r e n/ A d o p t i o n\
C e n t e r
(General Information)
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the aim to assure coordination of actions of central and local executive
power bodies in deciding questions as to adop-tion by foreigners of
orphan children and children deprived of parents' care, an effective
protection of rights and interests of such children, by Edict of President
of Ukraine of January 17, 2002 (No.34A2002) there was established the
Interdepartmental Commission on adoption by foreigners of children who
are citizens of Ukraine. The organizational support of activity of the
Interdepartmental Commission is effected by the Ministry of Education
and Science of Ukraine. The chair-man of the Commission is ex officio
the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine; members of the Commission
are deputy ministers of interested ministries and officials of other
central executive power bodies. A Children Adoption Center was established in 1996. It was determined that the Center is a state establishment which promotes getting orphan children and children deprived of parents' care into families of citizens of Ukraine and foreigners by adoption. |
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